International encounters in the Vignogoul Abbey

A new early music festival near Montpellier

First encounters in 2010 : CONCERTS - WORKSHOPS - EXHIBITIONS - 2011, 22 - 31 july


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Abbaye de Vignogoul

Route de Saint Georges d'Orques
34 570 Pignan (Hérault, France)
near Montpellier - Google map >>>

Schenck - Sonate A minor (Adagio) : José Vázquez - Lúcia Krommer - Achim Schulz (concert April, 2010)



First Early music encounter : 29 July - 8 August, 2010

The Musicians


  • Some instruments of the Orpheon Foundation, consisting of violins, violas, cellos, violones and violas da gamba from the 16th to the 18th C., restored to original condition, made available also to modern players interested in getting to know the historical musical instruments : truly a unique learning opportunity.

11 Concerts

  • see photos and listen to musical extracts >>>

Workshop : summer, 2010 >>>

  • Instruction for early music enthusiasts and modern instrumentalists and singers with an interest in Baroque and Renaissance music. All baroque intruments welcome !
  • Cours en Français - Unterricht auf Deutsch -Teaching in English - Español - Italiano
  • waiting for next year : please register to our newsletter !

Artistic direction

International encounters in the Vignogoul Abbey :

Visit our page on Facebook, become a "fan" and join our group !

France-Orpheon: 19, rue de l'Eglise -78 770 Thoiry - France - Tél: +33 1 34 87 48 37 - Email